National Quality Framework Assessment Rating
Our service has recently been reassessed under the National Quality Framework introduced across Australia from 2012.
This assessment framework is used to assess education and care across long day care, family day care, kindergarten, and outside school hours care services.
The rating for our service and what it means
We are pleased to announce that our service has received an overall rating of:
Exceeding National Quality Standard
The individual ratings for the seven quality areas are:
Quality Area 1 (Educational program and practice): Exceeding Standard
Quality Area 2 (Children’s health and safety): Meeting Standard
Quality Area 3 (Physical environment): Exceeding Standard
Quality Area 4 (Staffing arrangements): Exceeding Standard
Quality Area 5 (Relationships with children): Exceeding Standard
Quality Area 6 (Collaborative partnerships with families and communities): Exceeding Standard
Quality Area 7 (Leadership and service management): Meeting Standard
The ratings reflect the high quality education and care that our service provides.
The skills, knowledge and experience of our dedicated team of staff and Committee of Management, past and present, who have worked hard over the past few of years to implement the quality framework, has made this result possible.
We are working to embed continuous quality improvement within every element of our service to maintain and improve the high standards that we have achieved.
There are five possible ratings a service could receive:
Excellent – this rating is awarded at a national level (all others are awarded at a state level)
Exceeding national quality standard
Meeting national quality standard
Working towards national quality standard
Significant improvement required
For more information visit the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority website.