Be involved

The local community treasures Ascot Kindergarten, and the kinder treasures it’s community!

Our kindergarten was founded by a group of parents more than 75 years ago and has since continued to rely on the support of our families to provide a quality kindergarten program for our students.

There are numerous ways you can contribute to help our kindergarten; some bigger, some smaller, but all valued and appreciated.

Some ways to help out include:

Fundraising Events

Throughout the year we hold a number of fundraising events to help raise money for our kinder. Raised funds go towards new play equipment or materials to benefit our children’s development.

Events we run regularly include raffles, a cake stall at the Flemington Farmers’ Market, Bunnings sausage sizzles and producing and selling personalised items to families.

As each event approaches, you will receive an email calling for volunteers. A volunteer list will be placed near the sign-in sheet for you to indicate your interest.

If you would like to help out further or have some ideas to share, please contact our fundraising committee member at

Working Bees

Each year we have a small number of working bees. You will receive emails notifying you of the dates well in advance. Our working bees are essential to make sure our building and grounds are properly maintained. We would love to see you and your family there!

Parent Committee

Our kindergarten is run by a group of parent volunteers who form our Committee of Management. Find out more here.


We ask parents to donate small items to the kinder to help keep costs down and provide stimulating and creative learning experiences for our students.

Boxes of tissues and band aids are very appreciated, and cooking salt, bi-carbonate soda (baking soda), flour and cream of tartar are always needed for making playdough.

Clean cardboard boxes, cylinders and fabric are essential for creative construction and will find a welcome home in our craft corner.

Class Helpers

We have an open door policy and parents and caregivers are most welcome to stay during kinder sessions. Assisting during cooking programs and attending excursions (without additional siblings) can be a great way to help out.

If you have a particular skill that you think would benefit the kinder program, please talk to your child’s teacher and let us know!


In running our program, we use many cloths, towels and sheets for our play, cooking and craft. We are unable to wash on site so rely on families to help out by taking a load home now and then.

When we have washing that needs to be done, we place it in a bag at the sign in sheet. If you have the means, it would be a great help if you could take a bag home with you and return it to us at kinder when you have had time to wash and dry it.